söndag 22 mars 2009

Finger of God part 5-7 of 10

Incredible church in China.

People raised the dead in Mozambiqe

In these clips you see footage from underground church in China; we have never seen such glory of God on their faces.

Darren says: A missionary named Dennis Balcombe gave me that footage, he had been a missionary in China for forty years, and when I took a look at it, it was, I knew I was sitting on something that was absolutely incredible. I mean it is literally the rarest footage on the planet.

Another thing you could see (clip number 7 of 10) below is from Mozambique. I had heard of dead Frances, just because when I was scheduled to go to Mozambique to visit with Heidi and Roland Baker, I heard that there was this guy who has this incredible story, even for them. And so I asked well could I talk to him, and so he came to the airport at Johannesburg during my layover, and that's when I heard his full story, which was just mind-boggling.

What had happened is just about two years before they were having a church service, and he was outside kind of ushering people in and he was going to go lock up the gate and these four men came up to him and they were all drunk and he, you know, was trying to figure out what they wanted and they started to beat on him, to beat him up, they had baseball bats, and he said what are you doing? And they said we are going to kill you today, today is your last day, and so they beat him to death with baseball bats, they stabbed him 27 times.

So they took him to the hospital; hospital pronounced him dead, the whole church comes together and they don't know what else to do so they are just praying for him. And he was killed at around eleven o'clock at night, around twelve-fifteen; twelve-thirty in the morning he came back to life. But when he came back to life he was, he was a total mess, I mean beaten by baseball bats and stabbed 27 times, his face was all swollen, couldn't speak, and right before they put him out for the night, they gave him morphine, right before they put him out for the night he just was able to croak out, whisper "forgive them," referring to the people who did this to him and then like he was out.

And this got back to the church and that morning the police in South Africa caught one of these guys, and they were very proud of themselves because theydon't normally catch these guys, and so they went to the church, and they called the church and said, "Hey we caught one of the men who beat your friendto death, come down and sign some papers, press charges and we will get them processed. The church knew that Frances had forgiven them so they said no, we are not going to press charges, we want to forgive them. And the police were a little upset that is not really the best way to handle crime in South Africa. And so he said, "No you really need to come down. And the church with one voice said, "Absolutely not, we forgive him." And the moment they forgave him as a body Frances was instantly healed in the hospital. He was, all of his bruises, all of his cuts, everything was gone immediately.

Finger of God (Film) part 5 of 10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDKYRKqjBCc
Finger of God (Film) part 6 of 10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY5kmDG5AXk
Finger of God (Film) part 7 of 10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS8qoNypBmE&NR=1

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