torsdag 3 december 2009

Medical doctor learns God's healing power

From Joel News 24 November 2009 Uganda:

Medical doctor learns God's healing power

One day Dr. Lamech S. Lumala, a medical doctor in Kampala, Uganda, had a heavenly visitation. He saw angels singing 'the king is coming, the king is coming' and heard God telling him: "I've been using your head to heal people, but now I want to show you My healing power." Today, Dr. Lumala sees the Lord work many miracles. "I've seen the lame walk and have got the documentation of that. On one occasion there was a boy who had paralyzed legs. I prayed for him and immediately he got up and walked."

"Then my wife contracted breast cancer and while we were in America, they analyzed it and did a mammogram and we discovered that the cancer was real. During the night, we had a visitation from the Lord who woke me up at 3:00 AM to start praying for my wife. As I did, I immediately saw a vision. It was something like a yellow light moving from her body. She then testified that she was feeling something enjoyable moving in her breast. And then she woke up and said, 'What is happening Lord?' She felt that still voice of the Lord telling her, 'I'm operating you. You are now being healed, from now on go and pray for other people so they too will be healed." Dr. Lumala plans to set up a hospital called Compassion Faith Medical Center. "Once it is open, we will document the patient's condition before and after prayer."

Source: Dr. Lamech Lumula, Dan Wooding

(c) JOEL NEWS, 2009 republication only with full creditline

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